To those who won’t be coming home tonight!

For those in the pacific time zone who just left for work at 5:30 and kissed their families goodbye one last time. Yeah, this one is for you. Crazy and scary to think about right? Crazier, what if it’s me? What if I only get forty years? What will they say? Is that scarier than dying? Because if it happened today, what they’d say, well it wouldn’t be to pretty! Would they talk about the good? The kids at my gym I gave shoes too. The two kids at my gym whose family I made sure had thanksgiving when I could barely eat myself! The countless hours I have volunteered coaching high school kids and the difference I made? Or would they talk about how it’s all made up? Have I become the guy who had so much potential, but look at him now! Yeah I hear it, some call them critics, I call them fans, I hear what they’re saying. I can’t believe he blew it, I can’t believe he let it go down like this, what a waste! For those of you not coming home tonight, is what they’re saying true? See their saying that it’s over, stick a fork in them no point. But some of us will come home tonight, some of us have to be the change for those who won’t come home tonight! I believe in God, and I won’t go there! Trying to understand why I get to piss this life away and my closest loses his daughter at 6? All those questions we want to ask the big guy in the sky if he is there and yet no answers! So I’ll leave you with this, this Thursday morning, do the best you can do. Always say I love you and never go to bed angry, the journey is too damn short. “ don’t go looking for the reason, don’t go asking Jesus why, we’re not meant to know the answers, they belong to the by and by.” To those of us who will come home tonight, let’s not keep letting it pass us by and by! We only get one ride, so from here on out I’m going to live it like I’m Aldean. I’m going to figure out a way to make it happen, their sure gonna know we were here as the song says, because one day, we will be that person who isn’t coming home!


Funny How We All Have Demons!

The how could he or she do that with judging eyes, when our demon is just a different animal! An animal we can’t undrestand as much as they can’t understabd ours! And I guess the lesson to be learned there is this. A whole lot of understanding has to start going on! Understanding The Who, what the where and the why. We need answers, not news coverage after the fact asking why, we need to deal with the why ahead of time, before we run out of time. We have Trump paying off playmates and sucking off Putin and it’s funny how that’s the least of are problems. And the problem is, demons can be fun, dancing with demons can be exciting. We say we want to put our demons in the past, but yet we keep chasing the past. We don’t block that number so a midnight text comes in even though we know we should. Or worse, one to many and we are the one sending the text. I think as Mr. President has shown, we all step in it at some point. The point is, unlike the president, don’t keep stepping in it. Because demons can be fun, but dancing with demons can be dangerous and deadly. It can cost you years of your life that you now look back on at forty. In others cases, it cost them their life, so what point is there in understanding if you’re going to keep letting the demons win? At some point your payoff comes out. At some point you run out of lies to cover the lies you told and at some point. It is just you facing the demon you created eye to eye, one last battle, one last chance to decide who wins and loses!


Thanks Black People!

You just had to get a black guy in the White House! Even then, you couldn’t get that right, the dudes mom was white! Thanks for screwing it up for the rest of us though as usual! It’s called the WHITE House for a reason and y’all go bringing in some black dude who makes rich white people lose their mind and look what we have now! Yeah, I bet y’all feel bad, you should In my Donald Trump voice! Don’t blame the idiots who voted for him like me, I wanted a real candidate next time! My apologies, I didn’t think it would ever get this bad, now back to blaming black people! It works right? Now don’t get me wrong, some of this shit that’s going on is over the top, but I’m glad I’m white not black Michael Jackson, because let’s be honest. Look at the poverty and crime numbers, look at the income and job numbers and it comes down to the haves and have nots! That folks, we can’t keep blaming on black people, that is all are problem folks! Too many standing on street corners with signs trying to eat. A drug epidemic overcoming our country because there’s no money in a cure. There’s a whole shit ton of money in selling it and prosecuting it though, that’s for sure! And that’s the problem, doesn’t matter if it’s curing cancer or crack addiction, no money in the cure! No money in paying livable wages and building affordable housing, they’re tearing down a historic theater in Seattle where I live for a highrise! Build higher, build bigger, build more, add this and that to make it more expensive! I want this and give me that and at what point does our greed get us? Boy, this was so much easier to write in the beginning when all I had to worry about was thanking black people!👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


He Was Playing Stormy Daniels!

Putin was giving it to him, like he gave it to Stormy all jacked up on Viagra! His wife stands by and doesn’t say a word! How did we get here! Where a president says he TRUSTS Russian intel over our own and then backtracks the next day! Seems kind of gay if you ask me. Oops, u did it again Brittany Spears, can’t saw words like that! Problem is, that we’ve let words like faggot, nigger and that’s gay become okay and all too common! It’s laughed off, it’s laughed off, because that is who we have let ourselves become! I voted for the man how about that. But our president being the butt of all jokes and the laughing it off can only go so far! How far though? Did we ever think we would let it come to this? Spare me the Obama and Democrat bullshit, because I voted for him too. Our differences divide, funny how are differences are what created these Divided States of America. We didn’t like what Britain was doing, so we made a choice to fight back and do something different! At least they knew what they were fighting for, we the people seem to fight and worry about everything that doesn’t matter! There’s a storm coming, it can wipe us out, or we can ride that bitch to somewhere better. We will live and die here, we have fought about religion and differences for centuries, I wonder what would happen if we all started to give a fuck and let the god I believe in if he’s there to do the judgement when judgement day comes!
