“Why, Why, Tell Them It’s Just Human Nature.”

Feel like we have been here before, come to think of it, it was a Outkast song. Bombs over Baghdad, Saddam is gone and  nothing  has changed! It’s not Saddam its Assad and  ISIS, who was Al Qaeda again? More questions than answers and the bombs just keep getting bigger and bigger. Tell those kids in Syria that chemical warfare is okay. Human nature has made  a lot of things okay. It has made the extension of certain animals okay. It has made melting polar ice caps okay to make a dollar bill. It has put our future at risk and we are watching it all happen right in front of us. Jokes on us, because the bullshit that is going on,  isn’t  a joke. It is happening in your White House, it is happening in North Korea, it sure as hell is happening in Syria. I’m running out of things to say, I am running out of time, the end for me one way or the other is near. I have ducked, dodged and dove out of its way for long enough, life has come knocking and I have to answer the door this time. We all do, we the people have the power in case you have forgotten that. They may have medical and oil companies lining  their pockets, but without our taxes, it doesn’t work. It’s time to DRAIN THE SWAMP, if we continue down this path there wont be a path to continue down. It’s that human nature thing that has led me too this point, you ever get tired of it? Having to live this way, having to settle? Being told your not good enough and then going out and doing all the things you could to back up the people saying it? There comes a time, where you have to believe in yourself, and believe that you can do it. But you have to fucking do it, I have wasted so much time staring down the opportunity to do it and I bet in some aspect of your life that you could say the same thing. Thing is, this is true. If you are breathing, then there is time to change it and there is time to do something about it, so do something about it now. Because sooner or later if you don’t, it will do something about you, that much I can guarantee. You aren’t promised shit in this life, but this I have found to be true too. If you want something, go after it with everything you have until you get it, that line in that Will Smith movie is true, “don’t ever let anybody tell you that you can’t do something.” Oprah from what I’ve read came from an impoverished drug addicted background, she seems to be doing alright. Ask that kid who had nothing but a dream from that trailer park across 8 mile how he is doing these days. Why, Why, we have the chance to change human nature, nobody likes a why……


The Moment Your Realized You’ve Lost Your Mind.

Not like the drunk begging for money, or the crackhead in the Wal-Mart  with no teeth that thinks they are in Disneyland. No, rather lost your mind in the madness and the insanity of everything you have done. Learned nothing from your mistakes and still continue to make them and take others down with you. But God forbid they pull that shit on you, you would lose your damn mind. And now, you’re getting too old for this shit and the shit is about to hit the fan. Thought you were losing your shit before, you had no idea the shit storm that was coming. This time you may have just gone too far, this time your indecision may really cost you. You only get away for it so long, and let’s be honest, in your mind you never really get away with it. Trying to comprehend it all brings you to the moment when you realize you may have just gone mad and lost your fucking mind. It would be easier that way wouldn’t it? To look away from the children being bombed in Syria, to look away from the things we’ve done that disgust us about ourselves. I heard this Joseph Prince guy in passing on the television today say, “It is the past, leave it there, there is nothing you can do about it.” He is right, but acceptance I believe is a big religious term, and it is still hard to accept and come to terms with what you have done sometimes, that is one thing I am sure of. Still having a hard time with that hold on to hope, I will always hold on to my faith, it is how I was raised, but hope is fleeting. I guess when you have bowed down to it and let it look you in the eyes and run you over, hope would be fleeting. At some point, whether you have lost your mind or not, you have to look whatever it is that is in your way in the eyes and deal with it. I’ve come to find that most of the time, when you figure out what is holding you back and look it in the eyes, you will be in front of a mirror…….


Ding Dong’s Are Not Healthy!

Whether in the form of chocolatey goodness or the form of Donald Trump, ding dong’s are just not healthy! I don’t understand any of it anymore, what I’ve personally done to fuck up my life and what we have done as a country to come too this point. I voted for Captain spray tan for fuck sake and it really came down to me thinking he might be the lesser of two evils. And now the whole fucking mess just seems evil, does it matter what we do it all? Will it change anything? Maybe I am Christian and wasn’t raised pro gay, but is it really my right to judge? Is God going to judge me for saying that? I think in the end we should leave the judging up to God if he does exist, because nobody it seems, has a clean backyard! “I’ve been reading books of old, the legends and the myths. Achilles and his gold, Hercules and gifts and Spiderman’s control and Batman with his fists, AND CLEARLY I don’t see my name up on that list. But its come to the point that ding dong’s are just so unhealthy. This lifestyle has become so unhealthy and toxic, the world has become so unhealthy and toxic. With the ding dong’s running it and everyone running around trying to protect their interests, chemical kids in Syria and its okay, Russia will block it. China changing its tune on North Korea? Does anybody believe that shit? George Straight had a song about ocean front property in Arizona I believe. Greed, simple human monetary greed, greed will get us in the end……


“It’s Too Late, When We Die, To Admit We Don’t See Eye To Eye!”

Say it loud, say it loud, say it clear, oh say it clear, you can listen as well as you hear. It’s a song we all know the words too, about the words left unsaid. The things we realize we wish we would have said  or done when we had the time, then time runs out. I guess it also gives us hope at the end. “If you don’t give up and you don’t give in, you may just win!” And I’m tired of losing, I’m tired of getting kicked in the teeth, I’m tired of them saying, what a waste, what he could have been. The worst thing I have come to find that people can say about you is this. He had so much potential! He had, eerie  feeling when you are still alive and people start talking about you in the past tense, like you didn’t even exist, worst feeling in the world. When they come calling and you keep spinning the same stories, we don’t have to see eye to eye, but sitting on my ass and watching it fly by has gotten me here. As happy as I’ve ever been, but still scared to death it isn’t enough and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Drop on me head, drop at the worst time, isn’t that how life works? You do your dirt, sometimes you  get away with it in life, but you never stop thinking about it and you never get away with it in your head. Clearly I don’t see myself up on that list as the new Coldplay song would say. I want something, something more than this, not just like this, because this fucking sucks. I will run out of time to say it, “it’s too late, when we die, to admit we don’t see eye to eye!” Imagine that, one line in a song that could change it all for the human race. It’s too late, when we die, to admit we don’t see eye to  eye and we probably never will, but across the globe our differences are tearing us apart. Chemical attacks, so in response we attack and drop more chemicals, the thing people have gotten right over and over again, its time-tested. Respond with violence and kill each other, I’m not saying stand by and do nothing after what has happened in Syria, but when does it end? Because it’s too late, when we die…….
