But Sometimes Those Answers Are Found In Our Darkest Moments!

We either get found out, or we figure it out! Sometimes facing it isn’t everything we hoped it would be. Sometimes facing it makes it worse, sometimes facing it makes you face yourself. All the darkness and the time wasted. All the things you did that you thought you would have a chance to make right, I was younger then. I thought I had time, I thought it would all figure itself out until I got figured out. And now what I can’t figure out is what any of us are doing. These Divided States of America are good for no one. Black hates white and right back at ya. Defund the police, more police it’s anarchy. Trump is the Devil, Biden sniffs kids and Harris said she believed Biden’s accuser! Pence thinks that you can really shock the gay out of people, talk about darkest moments. These are the choices you came up with America. I have no faith anymore in WE the people, this whole thing is a joke. A shit show of monumental proportions, less a life and more a comedy of errors. A pandemic that wether you believe is real or not, the havoc it has left in its wake is insane. Saying goodbye to loved ones through glass windows, how awful must that be? Every dog I have had to make the worst decision of my life for at the end of theirs. I was there, I was holding them tears in my eyes until their last breath and these people are saying goodbye to mom through a window. My buddies daughter having to waive to her little sister through a window, we are taking the moments out of life and watching it happen right before our eyes. Moments that make life what it is, pulled out from under us and we continue to fight about Trump or Biden or you are wrong and you are stupid blah blah. Acting like the freshman c-team I used to help coach with your bitching like little kids. This America, is our darkest moment, we can own it and come out of it. But if we continue to let it swallow us up whole……..


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