
There is half  of it right there, I have hidden in the shadows long enough because of what I did, talking in third person, but I would be Mr. Thomas and when the final chapter is written in this bitch, it will be my ass on the line. I’m good with that, if I am not backed into a corner about ready to be fucked in the well you get it, then I don’t pull it off. If it is to easy, I wont do it, I have to make it as hard as possible, I have to try to destroy it before it ever has a chance to get off the ground, fuck I am not sure I want to be around me, damn it, guess what? I don’t have a choice? So Mr. Thomas, are you tired of it yet? Tired of coming in second, when you should be coming in first? Nothing against you is better than you, you just don’t want to do the work, lazy, it’s about as good a look as Sam Smith says losing self-control is. The only people who like lazy are the pot heads who sit around all day and play video games and the eaters who don’t want to get off the couch. And fuck you if you think I am taking shots, I feel bad for people who have legitimate problems, but fat isn’t one of them,. I was 24o pounds and miserable, I am now down to a healthy 185, because I wanted it, be happy with yourself. So then there is the riddle again Mr. Thomas, you pulled that off, because you were committed, you would have ran through a brick wall to make sure you didn’t miss a workout, so why then is some chump with your girl, yeah I said it your girl! Why can’t you talk to your best friend again? Why are we here again? Oh that’s right Mr. Thomas, because as that video you only got 24 hours in a day put together by Jay Luciano says, you want it, but you don’t want it bad enough, You want to sleep more than you want that life and if you choose to sleep, well guess what? You might miss the opportunity to be succesful, some weeks you aren’t going to be able to sleep for 3 days straight, fucking deal with it pussy. There are men and women from all over this country putting there lives on the line, who have to stay in the same spot for a week straight, living on that packet food shit in full gear, with no bathroom, in 120 degree heat, so I don’t want to hear your fucking bitching pussy about losing a little sleep! That video would go on to say, succesful people don’t go by the days, they go by the hours, so how are you spending your hours Mr. Thomas? How many of those hours a day do you spend eating away at your hours texting? After sleep, how many hours do you have to be succesful? Success doesn’t happen, you earn it, you don’t walk into success it doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by working harder than the other guy, you never have Mr. Thomas. Wouldnt you like to drive past her jogging, pull over and kiss her and say we both fucked up, getting you back is all that matters to me? Wouldnt you like to make your parents proud for once? Dont you want to keep that promise to your former best friends six-year-old daughter in Heaven that you made at her casket? None of that happens here if you keep living like this Mr. Thomas, it is simply time for this, listen to Mr Irvins words. “You tell everyone or anyone that has ever doubted, or felt they did not measure up or wanted to quit, you tell them to look up, get up and don’t ever give up.” Micheal Irvins hall of fame speech was one of the greatest, it is time to believe in yourself Mr. Thomas, it is time to take doubt out of the equation, because the only person who has doubted you this whole time, the only person who thinks he can’t pull it off is you. Its time to hit back, it’s time to show everyone that it was worth it to stand behind you, that those shots they had to take, in the end, they will be worth it, game on, no chance that it ends this way, not this time, anything is possible!


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